Thomas Beebe  W9RY

Section Manager

The Section Manager is accountable for carrying out the duties of the office in accordance with ARRL policies established by the Board of Directors and shall act in the best interests of Amateur Radio.

   I was originally licensed as WN9QXW over 56 years ago. I am an active member of most of the amateur radio clubs in the southern part of the state as well as being active in ARES and the National Traffic System.
   In addition to serving as the Illinois Section Manager, I hold appointments as an Official Emergency Station, ARRL licensed instructor, ARRL Field Instructor, Volunteer Examiner, Volunteer Examiner Liaison, and AUXCOMM operator. I am also an Intro to AUXCOMM instructor and National Weather Service Skywarn spotter.
   I hold a Ph.d. and I am a retired university administrator as well as a past corporate CEO. I am also a strong proponent of recruiting young people to the radio hobby and frequently talk with young people about amateur radio.
In my spare time I enjoy operating CW on an Icom 718, a FT857 for NTS messages and tinkering with technology. I run a Raspberry Pi (single board computer) powered 2 meter Winlink Illinois Digital Emergency Network gateway on 145.610 mHz as part of ARES.  I have  PSK, RTTY, Olivia, ARDOP, and VARA  modes that run on other Raspberry Pi’s connected to a TS-50 and FT-857.