Roger Whitaker    K9LJB

State Government Liaison
The State Government Liaison (SGL) is an Amateur Radio operator who is cognizant of state legislative and regulatory proposals in the normal course of events and who can monitor and respond appropriately to those proposals having the potential to affect Amateur Radio. This is an active, responsive mission, not merely a passive, "stand by the sidelines and watch" function.

Illinois Section Governmental Affairs liaison Roger Whitaker is a native of Virginia, Illinois, and an electronics engineer by profession, Whitaker holds a bachelor of science degree in engineering from the University of Missouri and taught electronics technology at Lincoln Land Community College for several years before spending more than two decades as chief engineer at Long Elevator, a regional company later acquired by Kone Inc., a world-wide elevator and escalator company, with which he is still associated. A licensed amateur radio operator since age 11, Whitaker served as president of the Sangamon Valley Radio Club for two years and was recently re-elected vice-president.  He is trustee of the State's amateur radio station, NC9IL  and  is the ARES Sangamon County Emergency Coordinator and on the bi-county Sangamon -Menard County Local Emergency Preparedness Committee.