Jim Hudson    WB9QPM


Technical Coordinator
The ARRL Technical Coordinator (TC) is a section-level official appointed by the Section Manager to coordinate all technical activities within the section. The Technical Coordinator reports to the Section Manager and is expected to maintain contact with other section-level appointees as appropriate to insure a unified ARRL Field Organization within the section.

A  United States Army Vietnam era veteran, I got my first ham ticket in the  mid 1970s. An ARRL Life Member, I regard amateur radio as an enjoyable hobby.
     I retired in 2011 from  Retired 2011 from IHI Turbo America, an Illinois manufacturer of turbocharger and supercharger products. My current interests extend from the National Traffic System ( NTS), ARES, PACKET, Computers, Weather, 3-D (aerial manuvering) radio controlled airplanes, target shooting, HF Antennas, Motorcycles, the National Hot Rod Association, Shelby County Illinois ARES. SKYWARN. I am an ARRL Volunteer Examiner.
   My home page is http://wb9qpm.org/index.html. I also provide  Shelbyville, Illinois weather information on a separate site: http://wb9qpm.org/~jim/weather/daily/weather.html. In addition, I am
Net Manager  for the Illinois Sideband Net 3.905MHz , 6 p.m. Daily. NTS Traffic Net. All stations welcome, with or without traffic. Check in to the Illinois Sideband Web site http://qsl.net/isn/index.html, the Illinois ARES HF Net 3905(primary) or 7230 KHz,  4:30 p.m. the first and third Sunday of the month; the North Central Phone Net,  3.912MHz  at 7 a.m., Monday through Friday. The Illinois Phone Net  operates on 3.857MHz , 4:45 p.m. Monday through Friday and 3940KHz,  8:a.m. Sunday (Roll call Sunday).  All stations are welcome.