David Lattan            W9PFD


Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator
The Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator (ASEC) is the assistant to the Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC). He or she is appointed by the Section Manager (SM), usually at the suggestion of the SEC. The ASEC assists the SEC in matters pertaining to emergency communications and the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES®) on a Section-wide basis. There may be one or more ASECs appointed in each Section of the ARRL Field Organization

David Lattan, W9PFD, is retired from a 40 year career in Engineering.  First licensed in 1977 as WD9EBQ, he is an ARRL Life Member and has served as Illinois Section Manager and as DEC for VOAD Liaison.  He has also served as State Training Officer for Illinois Army MARS.  While he has been involved in other aspects of amateur radio, his principal activity has always been EMCOMM.

Dave currently serves as an AUXCOMM Liaison for IEMA, an alternate NCS for the FEMA Region 5 AUXCOMM net, and as a SHARES CUSEC   [Central United States Earthquake Consortium]  HF liaison station.  His favorite mobile station is a 1988 Trojan 11 Meter International Express Cruiser on the Illinois River.