Robert Littler    W9DSR

Section Emergency Coordinator
The Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC) is the assistant to the Section Manager (SM) for emergency preparedness.  The SEC is appointed by the SM to administer all matters pertaining to emergency communications and the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES®) on a Section-wide basis.  There is only one SEC appointed in each Section of the ARRL Field Organization.
   Aurora-based electronics engineer and ARRL Illinois Section Emergency Coordinator Robert Littler, W9DSR, has a demonstrated long-term commitment to both the professional and community service ends of electronic communication, from industry-driven cutting edge wireless technology to changes impacting amateur radio.
   A bachelor of science degree in electrical engineering from Lamar University, Texas, opened the pathway to a long and successful professional and governmental career in the telecommunications industry.
   A Registered Professional Engineer, Littler served as an Electronics Engineer Officer in the United States Air Force, and trained as Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) leader in Washington D.C. for which he received Emergency Management Professional Certification, a designation he also holds from the Illinois Emergency Management Agency. In addition, he has Global Maritime Distress and Safety System Certification from the Federal Communications Commission and has had Maritime Professional Training, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
   An amateur radio operator since 1965, as a communications volunteer, Littler, has shared his skills in communications planning and support to multiple agencies and organization, coordinating activities such as  the SHARES High Frequency (HF) Radio Program, Central United States Earthquake Consortium (CUSEC) disaster response planning activities, and the Auxiliary Emergency Communications (AUXCOMM) Program  focusing on amateur radio aspects for these and other related communications oriented programs, including providing critical updates to local jurisdictions about communications programs such as the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) county level Tactical Interoperability Communications Plan (TICP) initiative.